Our Green Policy
Living today, protecting tomorrow
Aston Hall Hotel recognise our responsibility of our actions and activities and the wider impact this can have globally. Considering this, we have put together our green policy below to comply with all relevant legislation and to reduce our carbon footprint on the global environment.
As a business we are striving to make environmental and social impact best practice by reducing, reusing and recycling materials where possible. Our current rating is Bronze which we are hoping to improve very soon.
Examples of this include:
Recycling glass, cardboard and paper
Using recycled paper, where possible
Using energy saving light bulbs
Bedrooms fitted with electricity saving key operated activation points
Weekly tracking of energy consumption
Bedrooms have independent thermostats
Recycling of cooking oil through licensed contractors
Dual flush toilets to save water
Save-a-Flush bags in all toilets
Where possible, favour local suppliers to reduce transportation consumption
Training of all staff to be more responsible and reduce their impact on the environment
To employ local people, where possible
Supporting local charities and fundraising activities
Limiting noise pollution
Actively promoting public transportation and walking, cycling breaks
Use of super concentrate cleaning products, meaning less waste plastic, less weight and less storage required
All of our linen is washed with phosphate free soap detergents